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ECN publicatie:
High throughput roof renovation using prefabbed and prewired watertight PV insulation elements
Donker, M.N. van den; Hauck, B.; Valckenborg, R.; Sinapis, K.; Litjens, G.; Folkerts, W.; Borro, R.; Passlack, W.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 22-9-2014
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-M--14-076 Conferentiebijdrage
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
4 Download PDF  (361kB)

By a market study and economic modeling we studied the suitability, limitations and opportunities of BIPV products in the Dutch terraced houses renovation sector. A large share of Dutch terraced houses is in the possession of social housing organizations. The combined approach of roof renovation, roof insulation and PV application can lower the energy index of these houses by more than 1.0 and realize a four energy label improvement steps (e.g. from label E to label A). Approaches that combine roofing, insulation and PV functionalities in one product only need to access the roof once and can cut the total system cost by 20%. The annual energy savings on heating and electricity by the combined product add up to 1500 euro for a typical household. An internal rate of return on the initial investment of almost 10% can be achieved. The renovation repays itself in about 12 years. Finally, we describe the development of a prototype BIPV roof that is specifically developed for the Dutch terraced housing renovation market and indeed combines the roofing, insulation and PV functionalities.

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