SODARs and WISE guys
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Gepresenteerd op: Topical Expert Meeting on Remote Wind Speed Sensing Techniques Using Sodar and Lidar, Boulder, USA, 15-16 oktober 2009.
ECN experience with SODAR and LIDAR technology
ECN was coordinator of the European project WISE. The general aim of the WISE project was
the application of the SODAR technique (SODAR = sound detection and ranging) for wind
energy applications as a replacement for cup anemometers and tall meteorological masts.
Measurements for wind energy applications such as power performance testing are standardised
and carefully calibrated and controlled. At the start of the WISE project some trials with
SODAR had been held but due to various reasons this did not result in the general acceptance of
SODAR for wind energy applications. It was assessed that there was a need for the development
of a calibration technique for SODAR and a good understanding of SODAR operational
characteristics and limitations. When this has been done SODAR should be tested with a power
performance measurement including a rigorous uncertainty analysis. Also the operation of the
SODAR in difficult conditions (complex terrain, offshore) has been tested in this project. This
project helped to make SODAR an accepted method in the wind energy field. Although the
Sodar with the technology level at the end of the project had its limitations, the instrument
remains an attractive alternative to expensive large meteo masts for wind measurements with
large wind turbines and measurements at offshore locations. However improvements regarding
calibration, design and software are suggested in the final report.
Since the WISE project, ECN did not proceed on the same research level in the field of LIDAR.
Several experiments with LIDAR systems have been performed near the large masts at Cabauw
(200m) or the ECN wind turbine test site Wieringermeer (109m). However, these are mostly
commercial of nature, so that little can be published.
In the near future, ECN intends to commence the further testing and implementation of LIDAR
systems for wind energy applications.
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