High efficiency n-type metal wrap through Si solar cells for low-cost industrial production
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Gepresenteerd op: 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition - 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Valencia, Spain, 6-10 september 2010.
A high-efficiency industrial cell process for n-type wafers using the conventional H-pattern front contact grid has recently become available. Based on simple industrial process steps, production of low-cost n-type cells has become a real possibility. In order to further reduce processing costs and increase module efficiencies, we have combined the strength of the n-type doped crystalline silicon with ECN's metallisation-wrap-through (MWT) solar cell concept, on n-type silicon wafers. As in p-type MWT (PUM) cells, the processing modifications from H-pattern to MWT are very limited. These cells were manufactured using a process similar to the industrial processes used for n-type H-pattern cells, extended with via-hole drilling. We have measured unconfirmed peak efficiencies of 18.7% on 156mm semi-square CZ n-type wafers (238 cm²). We have observed part of the expected current increase compared to the H-pattern grid. The fill factor needs to be further improved to realize the expected significantly higher efficiencies than for front contact cells.
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