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ECN publicatie:
Passivation on MC-Si solar cells with PECVD SiNx:H using N2 and SiH4
Rieffe, H.C.; Soppe, W.J.; Weeber, A.W.; Hong, J.; Kessels, W.M.M.; Sanden, M.C.M. van de; Arnoldbik, W.M.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 1-10-2002
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-RX--02-050 Conferentiebijdrage
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
4 Download PDF  (53kB)

Gepresenteerd op: PV in Europe - From PV Technology to Energy Solutions Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 7-11 oktober 2002.

Application of N2 instead of NH3 as precursorgas in Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) of SiNx:H can have significant advantages with respect to safety and environment. In this paper we will show that for MicroWave- PECVD, SiNx:H with good bulk passivating properties can be obtained if only N2 and SiH4 are used as process gasses. A drawback of the current SiNx:H grown with N2 as precursor gas is the higher absorption at shorter wavelengths with respect to SiNx:H grown with NH3 as precursor gas.

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