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ECN publicatie:
Pilot Scale steam-oxygen CFB gasification of commercial torrefied wood pellets. The effect of torrefaction on the gasification performance
Di Marcello,  M.; Tsalidis, G.A.; Spinelli, G.; Jong, W. de; Kiel, J.H.A.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency 12-9-2017
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-W--17-026 Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
Aantal pagina's:

Gepubliceerd in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), , 2017, Vol.Volume 105, p.411-420.

Torrefaction is a promising biomass upgrading technology as it makes biomass more coal alike and offers benefits in logistics and handling operations. Gasification is an attractive thermochemical conversion technology due to its flexibility in the product gas end-uses. Therefore, it is valuable to investigate whether additional benefits are foreseen when torrefaction is coupled with gasification.

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