Luminescent Solar Concentrators - A review of recent results
Sark, W.G.J.H.M. van; Barnham, K.W.J.; Slooff, L.H.; Chatten, A.J.; Büchtemann, A.; Meyer, A.; McCormack, S.J.; Koole, R.; Farell, D.; Bose, R.; Bende, E.E.; Burgers, A.R.; Budel, T.; Quilitz, J.; Kennedy, M.; Meyer, T.; De Mello Donega, C.; Meijerink, A.; Vanmaekelbergh, D.
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Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
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Gepubliceerd in: Optics Express (Optical Society of America), , 2008, Vol.Vol.16, No.26, p.21773-21792.
Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) generally consist of
transparent polymer sheets doped with luminescent species. Incident
sunlight is absorbed by the luminescent species and emitted with high
quantum efficiency, such that emitted light is trapped in the sheet and
travels to the edges where it can be collected by solar cells. LSCs offer
potentially lower cost per Wp. This paper reviews results mainly obtained
within the framework of the Fullspectrum project. Two modeling
approaches are presented, i.e., a thermodynamic and a ray-trace one, as well
as experimental results, with a focus on LSC stability.
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