Absorption in thin textured silicon wafers
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Gepubliceerd in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, 1997, Barcelona, Sp (), , , Vol., p.-.
The absorption characteristics resulting from alkaline texturisation areinvestigated experimentally for mono- and multicrystalline wafers as a
function of wafer thickness. The anti-reflecting properties of random
pyramids on monocrystalline silicon exceed those of a typical inverted
pyramid structure, which in addition to good trapping lead to superior
absorption and maximum short circuit current densities for random pyramids.
In multicrystalline wafers, texturisation leads to high levels of light
trapping for all orientations. A 100 nm silver back surface reflector is seen
to have limited effect for absorption enhancement in pyramidal structures,
but significantly increases path-length for textures present in
multicrystalline wafers without the use of an intervening dielectric layer. 5
figs., 9 refs.
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