Acid versus base peptization of masoporous nanocrystalline TiO2 films: functional studies in dye sensitized solar cells
Hore, S.; Polamares, E.; Smit, H.J.P.; Bakker, N.J.; Comte, P.; Liska, P.; Thampi, K.R.; Kroon, J.M.; Hinsch, A.; Durrant, J.R.
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Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
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Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Materials Chemistry (The Royal Society of Chemistry), , 2005, Vol.15, p.412-418.
We report an analysis of the influence of acid/base conditions employedin the synhesis of TiO2 nanoparticles upon the performance of dye sensitised
photoelectrochemical solar cells fabricated from these particles. The
functional properties of the TiO2 nanoparticles in these devices are
investigated by potential step chronoperometry, transient laser spectroscopy,
and photovoltaic device characterisation. We find that base peptization
conditions employed in the sol-gel fabrication of the TiO2 nanoparticles
result in a reduction in film electron density under negative applied
bias, correlated with slower interfacial recombination losses and a
higher device open circuit voltage.
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