SODAR for site calibration?
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Gepresenteerd op: Wind Power - Planning and Realisation Conference, Gdansk, Poland, 21-22 maart 2002.
An attempt has been made to carry out a site calibration in flat terrainwith a Mini-SODAR (using two models) and a met tower, according to IEC
61400-12 and MEASNET power performance criteria. Our main conclusions
are that Mini-SODAR is, as yet, not "plug and play" equipment and that
expertise is needed for good quality data. Also a comparison with a
met tower is highly recommended before using a new SODAR for field measurements.
Even though the terrain was flat the resulting correction factors where
as large as 17% where as in complex terrain the correction factors are
a few percent. The best data showed about 2% difference in wind speed
(3000 model) and the worst around 20% difference (4000 model). The maximum
altitudes of both models where hardly ever reached. The advantage of
the 3000 model is that it measures higher than the 4000 model with a
much better accuracy. Due to the MEASNET requirements for site calibration
the measurement sector decreased with 50% and only 5-degree sectors
were used in the site calibration. The accuracy of the measurements
depended strongly on the altitude of the measurement and the settings
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