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ECN publicatie:
Preferences of potential users of electric cars related to charging - A survey in eight EU countries
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 22-4-2011
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-O--11-030 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
37 Download PDF  (1191kB)

Although the discussions around the market introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) currently revolve mainly around technical issues related to the vehicles and infrastructure, also user preferences play a large role in the process and can be a determining factor for success. Due to different vehicle characteristics compared to conventional cars, in particular unfamiliarity with the recharging process and expectations towards vehicle performance, users could be potentially faced with interventions in their usual travelling and refuelling patterns that can influence their overall willingness for technology adoption. The initial segment of people purchasing an EV, ‘technology pioneers’, is considered to be well-prepared for necessary adaptations in personal behaviour (e.g. limited availability of recharging infrastructure in the build-up phase). Nevertheless, in order for EVs to reach a mass market impact they need to correspond with the requirements of the majority of car drivers. People are used to routines with regard to vehicle usage and fuelling. It should be therefore investigated how these routines and preferences would affect an electric infrastructure roll-out. Also, in order to reach the full benefits of EVs from an environmental and economic perspective, they are foreseen to take over a special role in our future electricity system, e.g. as peak buffer and storage medium for intermittent energy sources. It is virtually unknown how EV users would respond to such new functions, possibly requiring interventions while the vehicle is connected to the grid by the charging infrastructure operator. This study aims to provide new research results regarding the preferred charging locations for EVs, the acceptance of delayed (off-peak) charging schemes and vehicle-to-grid services among potential EV-users, as well as the possible impact of leased batteries on the participation in both schemes. This study is performed within the Grid for Vehicles ( project funded by the European Commission. It is part of the work package that analyzes the economic, environmental, regulatory and social constraints linked to a large-scale EV rollout in Europe.

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