LPCVD polysilicon passivating contacts
Geerligs, L.J.; Stodolny, M.K.; Wu, Y.; Gutjahr, A.; Janssen, G.J.M.; Romijn, I.G.; Anker, J.; Bende, E.E.; Ciftpinar, E.H.; Lenes, M.; Luchies, J.M.
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This paper presents progress by ECN and Tempress in developing and integrating processing of polysilicon passivating contacts aimed at use for low-cost industrial cell production. The polysilicon (“poly”) is deposited by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD), and we present results with in-situ as well as ex-situ doping processes. We demonstrate synergy and compatibility with industrial cell processing; for example applying hydrogenation from silicon nitride coating layers, and metallization by screen printed fire-through paste. We analyze the relation between surface recombination current prefactor Jo and the processing of the polysilicon. For n-type poly (“n-poly”) we obtain Jo down to ~0.8 fA/cm2 and ~3 fA/cm2 on planar and textured surface, respectively; for p-poly Jo down to ~6 fA/cm2 on planar surface (results on textured surface are pending). We have fabricated 6 inch screen printed bifacial n-type cells with a diffused boron emitter and an n-poly back contact (called PERPoly cell), with an efficiency of 20.9%, representing an industrially relevant application of the polysilicon technology. In the presentation we will also consider other variations of cSi cells with poly passivating contacts.
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