Neutron metrology in the HFR: MINiaturized cOmpact tenSion SpEcimens irradiation R301-03 (MINOSSE-3)
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Within the framework of the European Fusion Technology Programme and theInternational Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), NRG Petten is
investigating the irradiation behaviour of structural materials for ITER. The
irradiation of twenty out of thirty reduced size CT-specimens (thickness 2.5
mm) all loaded in specimen holder R301-03 (MINOSSE-3), in the HFR Petten, is
part of this programme. The remaining ten CT-specimens in this specimen
holder were irradiated as part of a NRG programme concerning the
investigation of radiation effects on austenitic stainless steel pressure
vessel (PV) cladding materials. The CT-specimens were manufactured from four
types of austenitic stainless steel alloys. The R301-03 assembly was
irradiated in channel 3 and 2 of two different TRIO type facilities for two
HFR operation cycles, subsequently in the core-positions G7 and C3, up to a
target dose level of 1 dpa (displacements per atom) in stainless steel at a
nominal target temperature of 325 deg C. This report presents the final
metrology results obtained from activation monitor sets placed inside the
specimen holder, including the thermal and fast neutron fluences,
displacements per atom and the generated helium content. Additionally
detailed information concerning an estimation of the fluence and damage doses
received by each specimen and its temperature during irradiation are
presented. The main results of the thermal and fast neutron fluence
measurements, indicate that the obtained damage levels in the steel specimens
loaded in this specimen holder vary from 0.56 and 0.99 dpa. For relatively
short irradiations, like this one, the He generation in stainless steel
alloys depends rather strongly on the B-content present in this type of
materials. For the specimens manufactured from the A-MA steel alloy finally
He-production data are not presented in the tables 5a and 5b, because the
B-weight percentage was not analysed for this material. The importance of the
B-content for the He generation is also accentuated by the He data for the
ERHII-TIGDEP steel alloy (6.9-10.3 appm) compared with those for the 308L and
ERHII alloys (25.4-31.1 appm). The reason of this substantial difference is
caused by the fact that the B-concentration in ERHII-TIGDEP exceeds the
concentration of this element in both the 308L and ERHII alloys by a factor
of three. A valuable statement about the precise operation temperature of
each specimen separately during irradiation is rather arbitrary, because the
irradiation was performed in two very different core-positions. Due to this
fact the general temperature history of the specimens can be separated into
two phases, i.e. 240-270 deg C during the first HFR-cycle (G7) and 310-360
deg C for the last irradiation step (C3). Detailed data are presented in the
tables 3, 4 and 5, as well as in figure 2.16 refs.
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