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ECN publicatie:
Een vergelijking tussen MARKAL-MACRO en MARKAL
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1995
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-I--94-064 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
50 Download PDF  (3904kB)

Differences between CO2-reduction scenarios of the MARKAL-MACRO modeland the MARKAL model are studied. Also attention is paid to the rebound effect, i.e. the effect on a price decrease leads to an increase of the energy demand, and energy savings will result in a redistribution of saved income over other goods and services. MARKAL is an energy supply model and MACRO is a macro-economic model. The combination of the two is an example of a hard-linked model between a top-down model (MACRO) and a bottom-up model (MARKAL).

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