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ECN publicatie:
The interaction between electricity, heat and gas in a tradable green certificate system. Paper for the analysis phase of InTraCert
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1-8-2001
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-I--01-012 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
29 Download PDF  (103kB)

The InTraCert project aims to explore the possibility of integratingthe existing and planned Tradable Green Certificate (TGC) schemes in the European Union and, therefore, creating a plausible unified market for TGCs. Particular attention was paid to the possibilities of integrating TGCs for green electricity, green heat and biogas. This report gives an account of this particular issue. An inventory and analysis of the specific issues at stake when taking green heat and biogas into account in a green certificate system has been made. The analysis shows that production-based issuing of certificates is preferred, although for practical reasons it is easier to start with grid-based (and ?electricity-only?) certificates. Conversion between different certificates and units are of main concern when green heat and biogas are included in the system. The kWh seems to be a convenient unit to issue the certificates. It should be possible to exchange certificates for new certificates, i.e. ?redemption for conversion? (conversion of the certificates in parallel with the conversion of the physical energy flow), as opposed to the redemption of certificates to fulfil an obligation. Mandatory demand, or the obligation, should suitably be put on consumers and stated in general terms. The consumer may then decide on the preferred energy mix to fulfil his obligation. Countries may allow for the possibility to comply with the obligation using foreign certificates and restrict the import of TGCs that they judge ?unacceptable?. However, for substantial international trade to take place, some harmonisation, e.g. for issuing certificates, is required.

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