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ECN publicatie:
Advanced Heat Transfer Fluids
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency 13-4-2017
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-E--16-071 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
74 Download PDF  (7117kB)

The aim of this report is to give a background overview on advanced heat transfer fluids, focussing on PCM slurries. The idea is that the use of PCM slurries is a means to reduce flows and/or increase heat transfer, enabling more compact installations and reduced temperature difference required for heat recovery. Therefore, PCM slurries are expected to promote efficient use of energy and reduction of investment costs for installation in industrial applications, increasing feasibility of energy saving technologies such as heat recovery and heat pumps. A literature overview is presented on materials and systems, followed by testing of three high temperature slurries in the range 70°C-185°C; one microencapsulated paraffin PCM and two solid-solid PCMs. Finally, a theoretical investigation into the energy savings potential of PCM slurries. Recommendations are: • Do techno-economic studies for individual business cases for PCM slurry. Interesting cases will have high levels of process integration in which PCM slurries could be used for heat recovery. • Characterise and develop different slurry types, in order to get more hands-on experience on slurry performance and stability. In this, particular attention should be given to solid-solid PCMs, as these were found to strongly increase the performance of thermal oil for heat transfer over limited temperature ranges, and can provide relatively low-cost slurries.

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