Socio-economic indicators of renewable energy in 2009. Update of data of turnover and employment of renewable energy companies in the Netherlands
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This study presents an overview of Dutch companies engaged in wind energy, photovoltaic energy (PV), solar thermal energy, biofuels, solid biomass, biogas and municipal solid waste, small hydro and related technologies, geothermal energy and geothermal heat pumps. This scoping study - although based on data that were available at the time of writing, but inevitably incomplete - has been conducted in the framework of the European IEE-funded project EurObserv’ER
(www.eurobserv-er.org), which collects data on deployment of renewable energy (RE) in EU countries. The focus of the present study are socio-economic data such as turnover and employment of RE companies particularly in the Netherlands. As data of turnover and employment are scarce and incomplete, the figures presented are generally estimates with some uncertainty (±20%).
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