Comparison of OWEZ Wind Speed and Wind Direction Measurments with Noorwijk, IJmuiden and K13; Linear Regression and Long Term Wind Climate
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NoordzeeWind carries out an extensive measurement and evaluation program as part of the Offshore Wind Farm Egmond aan Zee (OWEZ) project.
The technical part of the measurement and evaluation program considers topics as climate statistics,wind and wave loading, detailed performance monitoring of the wind turbines, etc.
The datasets are available in the public domain. The data that are analyzed in this report have been measured on a 116m height meteorological mast, located 15:5km offshore for the coast of Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands. The data that are used in this report have been measured from 1.7.2005 to 30.06.2006, representing one year of measurements before the turbines are in
operation, thus representing the undisturbed situation.
Wind speeds and wind direction measured at 21mheight have been compared to the simultaneous potential wind velocities at the stations Meetpost Noordwijk, IJmuiden and K13. Those datasets were available in the public domain of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute. The relationship
between the OWEZ measurements and the stations Meetpost Noordwijk, IJmuiden and K13 has been investigated by means of linear regressions. The found regression coefficients are then used to correct the long-term datasets of Meetpost Noordwijk, IJmuiden and K13 in order to estimate long-term Weibull distributions and wind roses for the OWEZ location.
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