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ECN publicatie:
TOPSICLE Towards 20 Percent mc-Si Industrial Solar Cell Efficiency - Final Environmental Assessment - Excel file
Lenkeit, B.; Russell, R.; Weeber, A.W.; Wild - Scholten, M.J. de
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 30-8-2006
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-E--06-015 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
0  Niet beschikbaar.

The overall objective of the R&D project TOPSICLE was to define an industrial process to manufacture low-cost 20% mc-Si solar cells and modules. The work of TOPSICLE consisted of improving material quality of the mc-Si wafers and developing advanced processes to produce cost effective super high-efficiency m-Si solar cells and modules on an industrial scale. At the end of the project a road map towards 20% efficient industrial mc-Si PV, and a cost and environmental assessment was made for equipment, materials and processes. The results will be published at the 21th EPVSEC, Dresden 2006: 1) A.W. Weeber, C.J.J. Tool, P. Manshanden, H. Tathgar, Ø. Gjerstad, M. McCann, B. Raabe, F. Huster, P. Fath, S. Ponce-Alcántara, J. Coello, C. del Canizo, S. Roberts, T.M. Bruton, K.C. Heasman, H. Nagel, B. Lenkeit, W. Schmidt, R. Russell, Record cell efficiencies on mc-Si and a roadmap towards 20%, the EC project Topsicle, to be published at the 21th EPVSEC, Dresden 2006. 2) B. Lenkeit, R. Russell, M.J. deWild-Scholten, H. Nagel, W. Schmidt, A.W. Weeber, C.J.J. Tool, H. Tathgar, Ø. Gjerstad, M. McCann, B. Raabe, F. Huster, C. del Canizo, S. Roberts, T.M. Bruton, Evaluation of high-efficiency mc-Si cell processing technologies regarding environmental impact and industrial applicability, to be published at the 21th EPVSEC, Dresden 2006. A comprehensive study on the developed processes was carried out with respect to the national legislation and the EC directives. For all newly developed processes a limited environmental effect is expected. All emissions will be below 10% of the limits when the exhaust of chemical and furnace processes is purified or recycled. All this can be done with state-of-the-art-technologies.

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