Biomass for greenhouse gas emission reduction task 7 : energy technology characterisation
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Input data for the biomass module of the MATTER 4.2 model, a MARKALenergy and materials systems engineering model for Western Europe, are given.
The model is applied within the BRED study to determine the optimal use of
biomass for energy and materials from cradle to grave. The structure of the
biomass module is comprehensively described in a separate report. This report
is the result of Task 7 in the project 'Techno-economic characterisation of
energy recovery and disposal options'. The separate sections cover
electricity production from biomass, biomass heat, biofuels and gaseous
fuels. The results will be presented in the final report of the project.
Biomass can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It can either be used
as an energy source or it can be used to substitute materials. It can also be
used in a sequence of both applications: first as a material and second as an
energy source. This report focuses on biomass energy applications in order to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The processes dealt with in this report are
bio-energy conversion technologies and agricultural and domestic waste
disposal options. The separate sections cover electricity production from
biomass, biomass heat, biofuels and gaseous fuels (e.g. from anaerobic
digestion). The most important differences, when comparing these data with
former ones, are: the improvement of electrical efficiency; the addition of
CO2 removal option in biomass electricity production; the inclusion of new
processes such as; Dimethyl ether (DME); Pyrolysis to oil (fast
pyrolysis);Fischer Tropsch; ETBE production from bio-ethanol; and
Hydrogasification. 135 refs.
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