Grote cellen in kleine systemen: mogelijkheden van het gebruik van multikristallijn-silicium zonnecellen met grotere oppervlakken in kleine PV-systemen
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ECN rapport
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This project aims at assessing the possibilities to find technologicalsolutions to use large crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells in small
PV-systems, so that they can be applied with standard components such as
batteries and battery charge regulators. These alternatives are compared to
the use of a larger number of smaller (cut) cells to obtain a sufficiently
high output voltage. In the longer run the costs for using modules with half
cells is estimated at about NLG 10 per module of 20 Wp (USD 0.25/Wp). This is
not supposed to be strongly dependant on the wattage of the module. It can be
concluded that the costs of using modules with cut cells are in the same
order as applying DC/DC conversion (approximately NLG 15). For reasons of
simplicity, higher reliability and absence of additional space requirements
one would prefer, under most circumstances, modules with cut cells over
additional DC/DC conversion. However, if for marketing reasons, aesthetic
arguments or a simpler production process one chooses for DC/DC conversion,
the preferred solution is to integrate the DC/DC converter in the battery
charge regulator. 9 refs
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