Telewerken in Amsterdam: telewerkpotentieel en milieu-effecten
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ECN rapport
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The objective of this study was to make an assessment of the potential oftelework in Amsterdam and to assess the environmental effects which go
together with this potential. Moreover, the characteristics of the potential
teleworkers are surveyed as well as the opportunities and barriers for a
further growth in the number of teleworkers. Besides literature research a
survey among residents of Amsterdam has been carried out by the Amsterdam
Bureau for Research and Statistics. In addition to this survey interviews
with representatives of ten different companies were held. Almost half of the
number of jobs in Amsterdam is suitable for telework. In 1998 22,500
residents of Amsterdam already telework. In principle about 40,000 workers
can start with telework. Moreover, 41,000 workers whose function is suitable
for telework, would like to become teleworkers, but their employers expect
that their employees do not like teleworking. It is to be expected that more
than 100,000 residents of Amsterdam will become teleworkers in the period
2005-2010. In 2005-2010 teleworkers will drive almost 300 million kilometres
less per year. About half of these kilometres are driven in Amsterdam. This
will lead to a CO2 emission reduction of about 2% of the total CO2 emission
by passenger traffic in Amsterdam. A maximum of 142 tonnes NOx per year and
76 tonnes VOC per year can be reduced. This is about 2.5% of the current
emission by passenger traffic. Finally, 7 tonnes aerosols per year can be
reduced, which is about 1% of the total annual emission within Amsterdam.
When teleworking will be implemented together with more flexible work places
in office buildings the extra 0.6% CO2 emission at home will be compensated
by the reduction of 1.6% CO2 emission as a result of a lower emission by
flexible work places. 24 refs.
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