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ECN publicatie:
Bench-scale testing of HT fuel gas cleaning concepts
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN 1-11-1998
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--98-078 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
51  Niet beschikbaar.

ECN has been involved in the development of dedicated processes for theremoval of sulphur compounds, halogen compounds, and nitrogen compounds. These processes can be characterised as dry processes where the contaminants are removed either by absorbing them into a solid sorbent material (sulphur and halogen compounds) or converting them catalytically into harmless species (nitrogen compounds). These processes basically consist of a suitable sorbent/catalyst and a reactor-concept, which are strongly interrelated. Therefore, a crucial step in the process development, subsequent to basic sorbent/catalyst development, is the evaluation and testing of the combination sorbent/catalyst - reactor type. To enable this, a bench-scale facility has been designed and constructed at ECN, the so-called ERECON-plant (a bench-scale plant for the Evaluation of REactor CONcepts). The ERECON-plant has been designed as a multi-purpose facility to test various high temperature gas cleaning processes, and therefore, it has been equipped with three separate reactor-sections, viz. a moving-bed, a bubbling-fluidised-bed and a riser section. The moving-bed section can also be operated as a fixed-bed reactor. In this report, the design and construction of the ERECON-plant are described. In addition, the application of the ERECON-plant for the development of two HTGC processes, viz. a desulphurisation process based on a supported iron oxide / molybdenum oxide sorbent and a process for halogen removal, is elucidated. In Chapter 2, the main features of these processes are presented. Next, in Chapter 3, the requirements for a proper bench-scale testing of these processes are explicated, which formed the basis for the ERECON-plant design. Details of the final ERECON-plant design are given in Chapter 4, while in the two subsequent chapters (5 and 6) results of the first bench-scale tests in the ERECON-plant are presented. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the ERECON-plant for bench-scale testing of HT fuel gas cleaning processes, the possibilities of the two processes tested and the prospects of HT fuel gas cleaning in general. 17 refs.

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