Irradiation testing of stainless steel plate material and welments: report on ITER task T14, pt B: tensile properties after 0.5 and 5 dpa at 350 and 500 K
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ECN rapport
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The tensile properties of unirradiated and neutron irradiated type316L(N)-SPH stainless steel plate, EB weldments, 16-8 TIG-weldments, and full
16-8 TIG-deposits have been measured. Miniature 4 mm diameter test specimens
of the European Reference Heat 1 and 2 (ERH), and 4 mm and some 8 mm diameter
specimens of the weldments mentioned above, were irradiated in the High Flux
Reactor (HFR) in Petten, The Netherlands, simulating the first wall
conditions by a combination of high displacement damage with high amounts of
helium. The irradiation conditions were 0.5 and 5 displacements per atom
(dpa) at 350K and 0.5 and 5 dpa at 500K. Testing temperatures ranged from
300K to 850K. This work was performed as part of the European Fusion
Technology Programme for ITER as 'Irradiation testing of stainless steel' The
report contains the experimental conditions and summarises the results. The
tensile properties of the unirradiated ERH's 1 and 2 plate materials were
found to differ slightly but significantly: ERH2 has a lower UTS, but higher
yield strength and ductility than ERH1. The plate materials have lower yield
strength in the unirradiated condition than all of the weldments (EB,
TIG-weld and TIG-deposit), accompanied by a higher ductility of the plate
materials. When irradiated at 350K the differences in strength between the
plate and weld materials decrease, but the ductility of the plate remains
higher than that of the weldments. A saturation of irradiation damage has
taken place already at about 0.5 dpa. When irradiated at 500K the plate
material continuously hardens up to 5 dpa, where it has lost all uniform
plastic ductility. The weldments show similar but less dramatic hardening and
loss of ductility as the plate material for both irradiation conditions. 54
figs., 17 tabs., 21 refs.
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