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ECN publicatie:
Ontwikkeling en validatie van een stochastisch windbelastingmodel: deel 2:aëro-elastische modellering
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN 1996
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--96-097 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
99  Niet beschikbaar.

The construction and calibration of the aeroelastic models of threehorizontal axis wind turbines are described, viz. the ECN test turbine 25m HAT with WPX-20 blades, the 1 MW NEWECS-45 and the 300 kW WPS-30. Special attention is paid to accurate modelling of the control system of the 25m HAT and the NEWECS-45. Calibration of the models is performed by means of comparison of some selected measurements at Vrated with calculations. Power output, frequency and load spectra of the blade root bending moments are compared. It is concluded that the predictions made with the model of the WPS-30 agree very well with the measured data. The predictions of the 25m HAT and the NEWECS-45 are also in good agreement with the measured data, except for the blade root flapwise bending moment, which is somewhat underestimated. The three calibrated models are used to validate a probabilistic wind load model based on the IEC 1400-1 standard. The wind load model is described in volume 1 of this report and the validation is described in volume 3. 35 figs., 10 tabs., 39 refs.

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