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ECN publicatie:
Speciatie van metalen in verontreinigde en gereinigde grond en baggerspecie: uitloogprocessen en faktoren die daarop van invloed zijn
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN 1997
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--96-084 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
94  Niet beschikbaar.

The study on the title subject is part of the project 'Assessment of theeffect of soil remediation on the leachability of soils', performed jointly by ECN and IWACO, and describes the study by ECN of processes and environmental factors controlling the leaching of metals from contaminated and treated soils and dredged sludge. The aim of this study is the development of a model for the leaching of metals from contaminated and treated soils/sludge. The obtained understanding of the leaching processes is being applied in support of: (1) the development of a fast testing procedure for determining the leachability of pollutants from contaminated and treated soils; (2) the development of guidelines for an environmental assessment of contaminated and treated soil on the basis contaminant leachability; and (3) to provide recommendations for the optimization of soil remediation strategies with respect to contaminant leachability. In this report the pH-stat measurements and the development of the model are described. Also a modelled description is given of the leaching in terms of specific leaching processes. The most important leaching processes and related factors are outlined, as well as their implications. Finally, attention is paid to the effects of the different remediation techniques on those processes and related factors. Recommendations are given to optimize the purification of soils and sludge with respect to the leachability of pollutants. 18 figs., 4 tabs., 18 refs., 3 appendices

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