Inventory of existing information on the issue of power performancemeasurements in complex terrain (EWTS-II/subIV/task 1)
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ECN rapport
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The internationally agreed procedure for power curve measurements on windturbines has been laid down in a draft IEC standard. The procedure is based
on the assumption that the statistical wind descriptors measured at a
specific distance from the wind turbine are equal to the descriptors of the
wind experienced by the turbine. In complex terrain this assumption will be
violated. However, very little systematic experience is available on the item
of site effects on the measurement of power curves and on the power curves
themselves. For this reason the title project has been defined within the
project European Wind Turbine Standards (EWTS-II). This sub-project aims at
gaining knowledge required for the development of an appropriate guideline or
standard for power curve measurements in complex terrain. Task 1 of the
sub-project is to identify existing information on the issue of power
performance measurements in complex terrain. The work carried out within task
1 and its results are described and presented in this report. 53 refs.
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