The effect of agricultural management on the CO2 exchange betweenatmosphere and grassland
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ECN rapport
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Agricultural activities, e.g. manure spreading, mowing and grazing, haveinfluence on the uptake and emission of CO2 by grassland. The effect of
manure spreading was assessed in detail for 3 periods. Instantaneous emission
from manure occurs for 3-5 days after spreading. Total CO2 emission from
manure for the Zegveld site in the Netherlands was estimated to be 64 g C
m"-2 yr"-"1. The temperature dependence of the emission immediately after
spreading was calculated at a range of 0.01 to 0.02 mg CO2 m"-2 s"-"1 C. A
CO2 budget was calculated for May to October 1994, using data on mowing,
grazing and manure application. Net CO2 fluxes per month were calculated by
integrating the average diurnal variation of the CO2 flux for each month.
The budget shows a large CO2 emission from soil equivalent to 159 g C m"-2
after correction of the C left in the soil from manure. This yields an
estimate of 0.35 cm settling of the soil in 5 months due to oxidation of the
organic material. 11 figs., 3 tabs., 5 refs.
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