Additional test results of six PV-inverters
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ECN rapport
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Grid-connected inverters for photovoltaic (PV) energy systems areexamined for various aspects. This report describes tests additional to those
described in a previous report (ECN C-94-50; Comparison of Six Inverters).
The main goal of the extra tests is to determine the susceptibility of grid
connected PV-inverters to a broad range of disturbances which can occur on
the power grid lines. These noise voltages can be caused by environmental
influences such as: atmospheric discharges, flash of lightnings, noise
radiated by nearby equipment, or even power grid failures. At ECN the test
facility for PV-inverters is expanded with equipment that can be used for
these tests. The following extra equipment is available: mains control signal
generator; variable frequency and voltage test bench; power failure system;
burst generator; and a surge generator. 56 figs., 6 tabs., 5 refs.
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