Analyse meetresultaten PV-woningen te Heerhugowaard: periode1994
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ECN rapport
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Data from measurements, carried out in 1994, on 4 roof-integratedgrid-connected photovoltaic systems of 4 single-family dwellings in
Heerhugowaard, Netherlands, are presented. The yield factors vary from 0.60
to 0.75. The energetic conversion efficiency of the SMA inverters is circa
83% and the energetic conversion efficiency of the so-called Victron
inverters is circa 91%. Also, attention is paid to the different performances
of the three configurations of the installation: SMA inverters in cascade,
SMA inverters parallel, and Victron inverters in stand-alone operation. The
Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPT) of the SMA inverters appear to be very
sensitive for varying radiations and super-sensitive for high ambient
temperatures of the inverter. Also, the DC-efficiency of the systems with
Victron inverters is not efficient within the radiation area of 50-300 W/m2.
1 figs., 7 tabs., 7 refs., appendices
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