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ECN publicatie:
Cascadering van maaisel : winning van industrieel toepasbare hernieuwbare grondstoffen gecombineerd met de opwaardering van brandstofkwaliteit voor de opwekking van energie
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN BM 1-5-2001
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--01-050 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
48 Download PDF  (326kB)

Approximately 250-500 kton grass-like material from roadsides and natural habitats is available in the Netherlands on a yearly base. The average moisture content of fresh-cut grass is 50-70 weight %. At present composting and fodder are the major applications. If 100 kton mowing material could be made available for energy generation on a yearly base, 125.000.000 kWh can be produced resulting in a CO2 emission reduction of 70 kton per year.In this project mowing materials from different origin have been collected and pre-treated by means of extruding, pressing and leaching with water. Pre-treatment results in a much lower alkali en chlorine content of the remaining material. The order of efficiency of mineral removal is: N, Ca < S < Na, P < Cl, K The effect of mineral removal is also reflected in the results of the agglomeration tests. After pre-treatment, the mowing material shows a less problematic agglomeration behaviour (no agglomeration up to 900 °C) in comparison with the virgin material. Also the morphology of the remaining material is much more suited for the application as fuel for energy generation. The pre-treatment results in a pulp-like material. After pre-treatment the material contains less minerals than the virgin material, but still more nitrogen and ash in comparison with untreated wood. One of the objectives was to show the combined production of fuel and products from mowing material. The amount of proteins in the water fraction was found to be low, but it is expected that it can be optimised by using fresh material and adapting the pre-treatment procedures. The costs of the investigated pre-treatment route for grass-like material are comparable to the alternative route of composting.

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