De 'grijze' bijdragen aan StatLine : synthese van CBS-data en ECN-kennis met betrekking tot omzetting en verbruik van energie
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In the period 1990-1999 the Dutch database NEEDIS (National Energy andEfficiency Data Information System) was set up and maintained. The purpose of
NEEDIS was to compile and maintain a consistent framework in the field of
energy consumption and energy conservation. The title system is developed and
maintained by ECN Policy Studies. In the NEEDIS database a large amount of
energy consumption data on different aggregation levels (i.e. type of energy
carrier, consuming sector, energy function and type of installation) has been
inputted. Based on energy consumption the main groups are determined and
described in more detail with regard to the production processes, the size of
the companies involved and its economic parameters as value added and
turnover. Data are presented on the specific energy consumption for the most
important (energy consuming) processes and ways to improve energy
conservation outlined. During the project a direct link has been established
between the presentation of energy data on the internet-site StatLine of
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the corresponding, so called 'grey data',
from the EDN (Energy Databank Netherlands) internet-site of ECN. These data
concern more detailed items on energy use, production, building
specifications, etc. In this report an overview is given of the available
'grey data' on the ECN-site. Special attention is paid to the energy use of
buildings. 70 refs.
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