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ECN publicatie:
Information and Communication Infrastructure for future Power Grids, Final ECN report on theme C of the project Electricity Infrastructure of the Future (EIT)
Kok, J.K.; Roossien, B; Venekamp, G.; Kester, J.C.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Efficiency & Infrastructure 24-8-2011
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-E--11-032 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
80 Download PDF  (3288kB)

This report describes the results of the ECN contribution to the topic Information and communication (infra)structure (theme C) of the project Energy Infrastructure of the Future (EIT- Elektriciteitsinfrastructuur van de Toekomst). The EIT-project is a joint effort of TU/e, ECN and KEMA, coordinated by TU/e. The project aims at researching the following themes: A. Functional specifications and design of efficient and flexible transport systems B. Design and performance of a distribution grid fully controlled by power electronics C. Specification and layout of information and communication (infra)structure needed for a reliable and sustainable energy system. D. Opportunities for the application, assessment of economical aspects and offering market perspectives.

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