Onderzoek naar gevolgen van mogelijke wijziging van SDE-beleid
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ECN rapport
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This study commissioned by the Province of Limburg analyses a number of questions regarding the Dutch feed-in premium system SDE. One of the questions is whether the German feed-in tariff system (EEG) has advantages or disadvantages compared to the SDE, inter alia with respect to the compatibility with demands from the stakeholders, the financial stability and continuity, and the extent to which categories within the EEG or SDE may be curtailed by maximising the budget in a specific year. Another important question is whether or not synergy may be realised by allocation of the SDE budget to provinces as representatives of local and regional authorities, which are often the competent authorities for environmental permits of renewable energy plants. Also, the question was raised whether it would be sensible to differentiate the OZB with respect to the energy label, to strengthen energy conservation in households and buildings. Finally, this study investigates the extent to which the SDE may be modernised, inter alia to enhance innovation and to transfer the financial burden from the government to the market and/or the energy users.
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