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ECN publicatie:
Data Added to International Wind Database : IEA Annex XVII
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Windenergie 1-11-2003
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--03-128 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
84 Download PDF  (15020kB)


The ?Database on Wind Characteristics? is presently operated as IEA Wind R&D Annex XVII. The database constitutes a valuable tool for a consistent and rational calibration of essential wind characteristics for wind turbine design with application in standardisation work. In addition, investigations of a more fundamental and phenomenological character can conveniently be supported by the large selection of full-scale wind field measurements contained in the database. Although the database, in its present version, contains a broad spectrum of wind turbine load relevant wind time series, it was agreed that additional wind data was needed to complete the data selection. Most important are additional wake measurements, 3 component offshore measurements suitable for validation of especially the low frequency part of offshore wind spectra, additional combined wind- and wave data from representative offshore locations, extreme complex terrain measurements and long term data sets covering time spans of at least 20 years.

The partner in the Netherlands is ECN that has provided several data sets to the database. This report describes four data sets that have been carefully validated, described and added to the database. The data are measured in a variety of projects:

  • SODAR comparison with 213m high meteorological mast;
  • Wind farm development project in Costa Rica;
  • NUON Tulipo 5/2.5 turbine testing at ECN test site, using a 12m high meteorological mast;
  • Wind farm development project in Delfzijl.

Specific data of extreme nature measured with the 50m meteorological mast at the ECN site are described in a separate report. This 50m mast is used for long-term wind measurements in a coastal environment. In the appendices, the descriptions of the experimental set-up for each of the projects are given.

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