Combined cold heat and power generation; Techno-economic assessment of integrated fuel cell and sorption heat pump systems
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ECN rapport
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This report contains the results of a feasibility study into the possibilityof combining a fuel processor/fuel cell (FP/FC) system with an adsorption-cooling
device to convert the waste heat of the former into cold. Such a combination
is in general referred to as trigeneration, denoting the simultaneous
production of power, heat and cold.
As starting point for this study a trigeneration system was proposed
consisting of a PEMFC based CHP unit, equipped with a CPO based fuel
processor of Shell (Hydrogen Source), and combined with the SWEAT solid
sorption heat pump which is being developed at ECN. In addition, various
alternative technologies have been considered as part of a trigeneration
unit, both at the heat and power production side (SOFC, gas engine,
gas turbine) as well as at the cold production side (silica/H2O and
LiBr2-H2O sorption chillers).
The trigeneration systems have been evaluated for surplus value in terms
of energy saving compared to a reference situation consisting of cogeneration
and production of cooling with an electric compression heat pump. The
evaluation holds for a grid-connected situation, and own exploitation/
private ownership of facilities. It appears that in this situation,
there is only potential for energy saving if the ratio of cooling efficiency
of the trigeneration unit and the COP value of the reference cooling
technology is larger than the difference between the average electrical
efficiency of central power production and the electrical efficiency
of the trigeneration unit. Most systems considered do not fulfil this
criterion. Only trigeneration systems based on a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
with steam pre-reforming of fuel show potential. This appears to be
not so much the result of a high cooling efficiency, but rather the
result of a relatively high electrical efficiency. The application of
trigeneration is illustrated by two case studies, the result of which
indicate that combining cogeneration with a sorption cooler besides,
or instead of electric compression cooling could lead to significant
energy cost savings, and may thus be a way to enhance the viability
of cogeneration
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