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ECN publicatie:
Een technische evaluatie van moderne netgekoppelde inverters tot 1,5 kW (Temni)
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Energie in de Gebouwde Omgeving en Netten 1-5-2002
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--02-051 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
33 Download PDF  (701kB)

Recently several new inverters have been developed in the Netherlandsand Germany. These new inverters must prove themselves in order to be competitive in the present market. Because these inverters are new it is expected that new materials, components and techniques have been used that are new for grid connected inverters. Due to the substantial number of new inverters we have the opportunity to compare these inverters with the older inverters. Our objective is to acquire information about used techniques, materials, expected lifetime and electrical parameters of old and new inverters in order to improve the reliability of inverters.

Two old inverters and seven new inverters are examined. First the electrical parameters of the inverters are quantified with the "Test Facilities for Certification of Grid Connected PV-Systems" at ECN. Secondly the inverters are visually examined for new techniques and materials by opening the inverter?s enclosure. And thirdly the impact of these innovations will be discussed.

The electrical tests show that it is difficult to improve the electrical performances figures of inverters with respect to the current generation of inverters. Companies developing new inverters make use of their own techniques with which they are familiar. To improve a PV system with respect to costs and lifetime expectancy, new concepts for inverters must be introduced, making use of innovative techniques. Two of the tested new inverters apply significant innovations. A new generation is born with an integral concept for technology. cabling and installation of the inverter.

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