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ECN publicatie:
Stralingsbranders in de Grote Sint Laurenskerk in Alkmaar : hoe gaan gebruik en behoud van de kerk samen
Koene, F.G.H.; Ligthart, F.A.T.M.; Schellen, H.L.; Jutte, B.A.H.G.; Kragt, W.; Stappers, M.H.L.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Energie in de Gebouwde Omgeving en Netten 1-12-2001
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--01-125 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
47 Download PDF  (1021kB)

In this study, the Grote Sint Laurenskerk inAlkmaar has been equipped with an elaborate data-acquisition system, to monitor indoor conditions in the church and to be able to assess the effect of gas-burning radiation heaters on indoor conditions. On the basis of the measurements made and their analysis, a number of improvements for the heating systems are proposed. The main recommendations are:- The gas-burning heaters should be adjusted to a lower heating power leve1 at an earlier stage, using an automatie control system. This wil1 decrease the danger of a too high a surface temperature of objects in the immediate vicinity of the burners and wil1 decrease the danger of condensation on cold surfaces inside the church. - Introduction of a 'heating curve' for the floor heating system is proposed, to obtain a more even 'base temperature' inside the church. - Improving the insulation value of the glass in lead windows is expected to yield a higher base temperature inside the church, resulting in lower maintenance and higher comfort for the occupants. - A different arrangement of the 'Ecoceramics' burners between the pillars in the ship is suggested to lower surface temperatures on the pillars. - A number of critical places are identified, where the danger of condensation is highest.
Introduction of moisture sensors, able to intervene in the operation of the gas-burning heaters, should prevent unwanted condensation or accumulation of moisture. Finally it is proposed that implementation of the recommendations be carried out in deliberation with the installers involved.

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