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ECN publicatie:
Analysis and feasibility of advanced gas turbine cycles and applications : the partial oxidation gas turbine and the gas turbine with air bottoming cycle
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN SF 1-8-2001
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--01-075 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
32 Download PDF  (162kB)

The main results of three technical feasibility studies are presented concerning new concepts for gas turbine cycle scheme and possibilities for gas turbine process integration in order to achieve energy savings. The subjects and results of the consecutive parts are:(i) a gas turbine cycle with stepwise substoichiometric combustion (partial oxidation gas turbine, PO-GT cycle). Thermodynamic analysis in comparison with other gas turbine cycles shows that the PO-GT cycle has no pronounced advantages above conventional gas turbine cycles within a feasible range of pressures and tempratures. (ii)The application of a PO-GT cycle for combined syngas and power production in a methanol production process. A PO-GT cycle for synthesis gas production is feasible and shows a good overall efficiency (82%). An integration of this system with a once-through methanol plant show even higher overall efficiencies (92%). (iii) Application of a gas turbine equipped with an air bottoming cycle (GT-ABC) for the combined production of electricity and clean hot air. Applications for the hot air studied are furnace heating and for spray drying purposes in the bakery and dairy industry. For directly fired bakery furnaces the impact on the product quality has been identified as an obstacle. For indirectly fired furnaces a GT-ABC is feasible, is more attractive and offers the same primary energy reduction (12%). In the dairy industry the system is feasible and offers high potential primary energy savings (18%). High investment costs however are identified as problematic.

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