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ECN publicatie:
Photovoltaic noise barrier at the A9-highway in the Netherlands : results of the monitoring programme
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 1-2-2001
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--01-021 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
41 Download PDF  (6475kB)

A large photovoltaic (PV) energy system has been integrated into a noise barrier at the A9-highway near Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. Netherlands. The PV-system consists of 720 AC-modules with inverters of type A and 1440 AC-modules with inverters of type B. The monitoring activities within the project are performed by ECN in co-operation with Fraunhofer ISE, Germany. This document describes the results of the monitoring programme during the first 2 years of operation. The main conclusions are: (1) The AC-modules with type A inverters perform very well and have a low failure rate; (2) The AC-modules with type B inverters perform less good and have a higher failure rate. The reasons of the lower performance are the lower inverter efficiency and the occurrence of grid interference. Modifications on the PV-system to prevent the grid interference are ongoing; and (3) Accumulated traffic dust on the modules causes significant energy losses. The main recommendations are: (1) Global monitoring should be continued for the assessment of the results of the modifications and for detecting possible failures in the future; and (2) Annual cleaning of the modules after the winter season should be considered. (4 refs.)

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