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ECN publicatie:
Verwarmingsconcepten PZE woning : weinig Joules met weinig installatie
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Energie in de Gebouwde Omgeving en Netten 1-7-2001
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--00-097 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
39 Download PDF  (372kB)

In a Passive Solar Home (PSH), the heat demand is minimised by applyinga range of measures, such as a high degree of thermal insulation. In addition, a PSH uses as much as possible the available solar heat to fill in the heat demand. With an extremely low remaining heat demand, the question remains, which type of heating concept is the most suitable. To answer the question, a PSH and various heating systems are modelled using the building simulation program TRNSYS Performances of the various systems were compared on the basis of the Dutch test reference year. The net yearly heating demand for space heating, appeared to be 2.8 GJ (100 m3 natural gas equivalent at 90% boiler efficiency). The net yearly heating demand for DHW appeared to be 4.1 GJ (260 m3 natural gas equivalent at 50% boiler efficiency). The effect of a number of different heating concepts on the energy demand was then determined using the TRNSYS model. All heating concepts consist of a 6 m2 solar collector in combination with a 200 l storage vessel for DHW supply, a heat recovery unit in the ventilation system and a heat recovery unit on the shower drain water. The various systems were compared in terms of exploitation costs (write-off plus interest, maintenance and energy cost) and CO2-emissions. The systems with a gas fired HE-boiler and radiators or air heating appeared to have the lowest exploitation costs. The heat pump system (in combination with floor heating) appeared to have the highest exploitation costs but the lowest CO2-emissions. The main deficiency in all concepts appears to be the relatively low efficiency for generation of DHW. This can be improved by optimising the volume of the DHW storage vessel and by integrating it with the solar collector storage vessel.

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