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ECN publicatie:
Kritische succesfactoren biomassa : identificatie/specificatie kritische succesfactoren bij de ontwikkeling en de marktintroductie van biomassaconversiesystemen voor de productie van elektriciteit en/of warmte en/of gasvormige/vloeibare secundaire energiedragers
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1-6-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--99-061 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
85 Download PDF  (493kB)

The Dutch government has set the policy target that in 2020 10% of thetotal energy consumption has to be provided by means of renewable energy sources. Biomass is expected to play a major role (25-30%) in this future renewable energy based energy supply system. However, it is still unclear if this biomass-based target will be reached. Although studies showed that success or failure of innovations and projects depend on a multitude of scientific, technical, economic and societal variables, a number of questions still remained unanswered. This information often concentrated exclusively on the cost price aspects. This study is conducted to identify the internal and external barriers or constraints other than cost aspects, which are of vital importance to a successful penetration of biomass in the Dutch energy market. Barriers with a decreasing influence on the market introduction of bioenergy in the Netherlands are: short-term contractability of biomass (organic waste streams) for energy purposes, applicable emission and waste policies, and unfamiliarity of bioenergy by the public and government. Barriers that potentially could play an important role on the market introduction of bioenergy in the Netherlands in the near future are: long-term contractability of biomass (organic waste streams and energy crops) for energy purposes, the 'new' emission constraints and their potential negative influence on the implementation of small-scale biomass-based combined-cycle plants, the rivalry of bioenergy with other renewable energy based technologies in a liberalising energy market, the social acceptance of bioenergy, the future European agriculture policy (energy crops), and the current status and development perspectives of biomass-based energy conversion technologies. 66 refs.

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