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ECN publicatie:
Mee-/bijstookpotentieel biomassa in kolencentrales en aardgas-gestookte installaties: bepaling van de milieutechnische- en financieel-economische haalbaarheid
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN BM 1-11-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--00-103 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
176 Download PDF  (936kB)

The main goal of the Dutch Renewable Energy Policy is that in 2020 10% ofthe total energy consumption has to be provided by renewable energy sources. Cofiring of biomass and waste in conventional coal and natural gas fired power plants, and natural gas fired installations, is expected to play an important contribution to the short-term market introduction of biomass and waste based conversion technologies in a technical, environmental, and economic attractive way. In this study the total technical, environmental and economic cofiring potential for biomass and waste in the Netherlands is analysed. The following questions have been addressed: (1) the total current and future availability and contractability of biomass and waste materials for energy purposes, (2) the concepts that can be used to cofire the large variety biomass and waste materials (direct cofiring, indirect cofiring, cofiring by upstream gasification, cofiring by upstream pyrolysis, cofiring by upstream Hydro-Thermal-Upgrading, and cofiring by upstream combustion with downstream steam-side integration), (3) technical constraints that limit the total cofiring potential, (4) environmental constraints that limit the total cofiring potential (EU air emission constraints, quality and commercial applicability of co-produced solid residues), (5) financial-economic constraints, and (6) the costs of the avoided CO2-emissions. It is concluded that cofiring indeed has the potential to play a major contribution to the future renewable energy based energy supply system in the Netherlands. For cofiring of relatively clean biofuels in conventional coal-fired power plants direct cofiring is preferable, followed by indirect cofiring and upstream gasification without additional fuel gas clean-up. For cofiring of more contaminated biofuels upstream gasification with (advanced) fuel gas clean-up and upstream combustion with steam-side integration have been identified as the most promising concepts. For cofiring in natural gas fired combined-cycles, upstream gasification with advanced fuel gas clean-up has been identified as the only applicable technology. 49 refs.

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