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ECN publicatie:
Energieverbruik in openbare verlichting en verkeersregelinstallaties : eindrapportage openbare verlichting
Bremmers, P.; Veltman, A.T.; Fernhout, J.T.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Energie Efficiency in de Industrie 1-10-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--00-095 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
24 Download PDF  (134kB)

The electric energy consumed by the 2.6 million lamps in the Dutch publiclighting in 1999 was about 645 GWh, which was about 1.5 % of the total Dutch electricity production. This number fits in between the two scenarios that have been foreseen in 1989, being 992 GWh in 1999 without additional measures and 500 GWh with maximal use of the energy saving possibilities. In 1989 the electricity consumption was about 750 GWh electric (375 kilo tons of CO2). Taking into account growth, increasing demands on the light intensity levels with respect to public safety, and further application of energy saving measurements, the expected electricity consumption in 2010 will be 690 GWh with an associated CO2 production of 345 kilo tons, against 830 GWh electricity consumption (with 415 kilo tons of produced CO2) in the case of absence of these measures. The production of CO2 in 1999, associated with the electricity consumption of 645 GWh was about 322 kilotons. The trend that SOX lamps (low-pressure sodium lamps) will be replaced by SON-T lamps (high-pressure sodium lamps) probably continues until the exchange is complete. An additional annual saving of 140 GWh (70 kilotons CO2) is feasible during the next ten years. 20 refs.

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