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ECN publicatie:
Thermochemical conversion of willow from short rotation forestry
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN BM 1-2-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--00-028 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
21 Download PDF  (496kB)

This report is one of three technical reports that are to form the basisof a written guide to energy from willow - the REGROW Guide. Several thermochemical conversion technologies that are most relevant for energy production from willow biomass are described. The other two technical reports cover the production of willow and its pre-treatment prior to energy conversion and are written by the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU) and the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC), respectively. A broad variety of conversion technologies are available. Combustion technology is already applied commercially, whereas gasification and pyrolysis are still in a demonstration stage. If only heat is generated, combustion appears most suitable. If electricity is to be produced at high efficiency, gasification and pyrolysis are promising options. The latter (with flash pyrolysis as an exception) is applied for contaminated streams rather than clean biomass such as willow from short rotation forestry. The respective suitability of the different available technologies depends on the type of fuel to be used (e.g. moisture content, ash content, particle size), the capacity of the installation (small-scale or large-scale application), and the envisaged product (heat, electricity, CHP). 19 refs.

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