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ECN publicatie:
Energieverbruik in openbare verlichting en verkeersregelinstallaties : eindrapport verkeers-regel-installaties
Veltman, A.T.; Fernhout, J.T.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Environment & Energy Engineering 1-7-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--00-025 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
31 Download PDF  (281kB)

In The Netherlands about 5,500 traffic junction light control systems arein operation, with a total number of about 600,000 incandescent lamps of on average about 50 W power. The total energy consumption of these traffic junction light control systems is about 87,360 MWh/year. This corresponds to a CO2-production of about 44 kilotons yearly. Both numbers can be roughly halved by replacement of the incandescent lamps by LED lamps. In a number of cities already in a reasonable number of traffic junction control systems the incandescent lamps appear to be replaced by LED lamps. The expected gain is considered to appear mainly in the maintenance costs of the systems, due to the longer life time of the LED lamps. lt is expected that intermediate replacements of the lamps can be prevented, which can save a considerable amount of money. Not withstanding the previously mentioned advantages the savings in electricity consumption can be enormous, which due to the relatively low energy costs does not have a large effect on the costs. The expected pay-back period varies from about 2 1/2 year up to 11 year, depending on the type of incandescent lamps (conventional incandescent lamp bulb, halogen lamp or krypton lamp) which was in operation at the traffic junction lights. Application in the current traffic junction light control systems will almost inevitably lead to problems in the red light detection, because the detection circuits are designed for operating on lamps with a much higher current load. In many systems however this detection circuit has been switched off, so in these cases LED lamps maybe could be applied with less difficulty. In a large number of cases however the detection circuits will have to be adapted. Application of a larger electrical (dummy) load also would be a possibility, but then there will be almost no savings. 8 refs.

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