Experience of wind turbine manufacturers with wind turbine certification: report of subtask A1 of project EWTC
Hulle, F.J.L. van; Nath, C.; Eriksson, C.; Vionis, P.S.
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ECN rapport
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This report describes the findings of subtask A1 of the project EuropeanWind Turbine Certification (EWTC). The main objective of the EWTC project is
to realize a uniform harmonised wind turbine certification in the European
Union, in order to remove trade barriers, speed up implementation and further
reduce wind energy costs. The harmonised certification should be adjusted to
the needs of the wind energy industry and the requirements of the European
legislation. The objective of the subtask A is to collect viewpoints of the
manufacturing industry on wind turbine certification. A questionnaire has
been distributed to the European wind turbine manufacturing industry, asking
for experiences with the present certification systems and for specific
wishes for improvement within harmonised certification. Responses have been
received from 13 companies. Their answers to the various questions are
presented in this report. Wind turbine type certification is experienced as
quite useful, but in view of the time involved and the high costs, wind
turbine manufacturers put forward various suggestions for an improved
certification system which is harmonised on the world-wide level
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