MATTER 2.0: a module characterisation for the agriculture and food sector
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In recent years, the Western European MARKAL-model has been extended witha materials system module covering the whole life cycle 'from cradle to
grave'. The model including energy and materials is called MATTER 1.0. This
document describes a further extension with an agricultural model, called
MATTER 2.0. Ten agricultural crop types are considered which cover about 90%
of the agricultural land use in Western Europe. The pastures alone cover
about 40% of the agricultural land use. Land quality and land productivity
has been considered by splitting Western Europe into three regions: North and
Middle Europe, Southern Europe high yields and Southern Europe low yield. The
split for Southern Europe is important because 50% of the land area in
Southern Europe that is characterised as agricultural land has actually a
very low productivity because of water availability constraints and
mountainous topography. Generally speaking, yields in Middle Europe are
higher than the yields in Southern Europe. Three quarters of the land use can
be allocated to animal products: meat, dairy products, eggs and wool. Most
important agriculture greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions considered within the
model are methane (CH4)and nitrous oxide (N2O). Total emissions for these
gases are around 350 Mton CO2 equivalents. This equals to 9% of the Western
European GHG emissions. The main sources are: Methane from enteric
fermentation in domestic livestock (160 Mton CO2 equivalents); Methane from
manure management (65 Mton CO2 equivalents; Nitrous Oxide emission from
fertilizer use (60 Mton CO2 equivalents); Nitrous Oxide emissions from
manure use (125 Mton CO2 equivalents). Reduction options dealt with are:
Increase of the conversion efficiency of enteric livestock fermentation or
change of the fodder composition; Change of the manure storage system;
Reduction of the nitrogen input into the agriculture; Substitution of current
meat or fodder products by other protein sources. 56 refs.
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