Evaluation of the 8th international course on implementation of wind energy, Petten, April 12-24, 1999
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The title course is fairly general and offers a broad view on thesubject. After attending the course, the participants are better equipped to
obtain more detailed information. Specific questions and problems constitute
a limited part of the course. However, the need for specialist's information
is increasing. In a future course the balance between general and specific
subjects should be shifted somewhat to specific subjects. The course was
attended by 22 participants from 14 different countries. Seven participants
were financed by their own company. Eight participants were sponsored by the
following Dutch institutes: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dorgelo
Foundation and the electricity companies REMU and PNEM/MEGA. One participant
was sponsored by Asian Windpower. Two participants were sponsored by the ING
bank and the electricity company EDON together with the wind turbine
companies VESTAS and LMW. The other four participants were sponsored by the
wind turbine companies Lagerwey, Nedwind, Aerpac and the Netherlands
Organisation for Energy and the Environment (Novem)
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