Assesment of advanced materials development in the European Fusion Long-term Technology Programme: report to the FTSC-P by the Advanced Materials Working Group
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ECN rapport
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In view of the transition to the next, fifth, framework program, and theresources available, the European Commission (EC) requested to launch an
assessment for the Advanced Materials area, as part of the European Fusion
Technology Programme. A working group chaired by the Materials Field
Coordinator assessed the current status of the programme with the view to
prepare its future focusing on one class of materials, as expressed by the
FTSC-P. Two classes of materials: SiC/SiC ceramic composites and low
activation alloys on the basis of V, Ti and Cr are presently in the Advanced
Materials area. They are all in very early stages of development with a view
to their application in fusion power reactors. All have adverse properties
that could exclude their use. SiC/SiC ceramic composites have by far the
highest potential operating temperature, contributing greatly to the
efficiency of fusion power reactors. At the same time it is also the
development with the highest development loss risk. This class of materials
needs an integrated approach of design, manufacturing and materials
development different from alloy development. The alloys with vanadium and
titanium as base element have limited application windows due to their
inherent properties. If the development of RAFM steels continues as foreseen,
the development of V and Ti alloys is not justifiable in the frame of the
advanced materials programme. The oxide dispersion strengthened variant of
RAFM steels might reach similar temperature limits: about 900K. Chromium
based alloys hold the promise of higher operating temperatures, but the
knowledge and experience in fusion applications is limited. Investigating the
potential of chromium alloys is considered worthwhile. The alloys have
comparable activation hazards and early recycling potential, with properly
controlled compositions. Recycling of the SiC/SiC class of materials needs
further investigation. The working group concludes that at this stage no
contender can be rejected. The working group recommends, considering the
funding limitations: In the future programme SiC/SiC development should be
the main target; The alloy class development should be continued on a modest
scale, due to the limited gain. Uncertainties of potential and limitations of
Cr-alloys for fusion application are so large, that a coordinated effort to
improve the Cr-alloy knowledge base is essential; Closer cooperation with
both industries and universities is pursued to strengthen the innovation
climate; Cooperation in world-wide context is another prerequisite to
optimally exploit the available funds and to gain from developments
elsewhere. 23 refs.
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