Synthesis report of the TERI-ECN collaborative research programme 1995-1997
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ECN rapport
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The report summarizes the subprojects: 1: Greenhouse gas abatementstrategies; 2: Market development of solar home systems; 3: Wind turbine
testing and certification centre; and 4: Wind farm implementation study.
These four subprojects focus primarily on promoting the use of renewable
energy systems in the country by adopting a multi-pronged approach, including
the transfer of tools (MARKAL) to analyze the impact of introduction of
renewable energy system on emissions of greenhouse gases (subproject 1). This
subproject targets essentially the policy makers and emphasizes on them the
need and relevance of renewable energy forms in India's future macro-economic
and energy development. Apart from looking at policy interventions the
TERI-ECN collaborative programme also recognized the need for appropriate
support mechanisms for promoting the use of renewable energy forms. These
mechanisms could be in the form of technology facilitation or market
development. Subproject 2 explores the need for and to market creation and
looks at the institutional and social aspect of such and exercise. Subproject
3 essentially addresses the issue of technology facilitation by undertaking
an assessment of the need for a wind turbine testing and certification centre
in the Western part of India, and developing a business plan for the same.
One of the major concerns in relation to renewable energy promotion relates
to the problems of integrating renewable energy systems with other energy
systems, and subproject 4 of the collaborative programme addresses precisely
this issue. 2 figs., 5 tabs., 9 refs.
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